- Make sure your Task Book is being updated; most section trainings will include something that can be ‘checked off’!
- Check your status on D4H and make sure all your qualifications and certificates have been uploaded!
They were only part of the exercise as management level personnel worked together and MSP SWAT worked with LE counterparts.
Our members who worked with the representatives from Taiwan were very impressed with their abilities and processes, many of which may be tweaked and incorporated into MI-TF1 processes. I’m sure we’ll be hearing more about those in the future.
The Taiwan US&R asset is organized somewhat differently from the FEMA model – everyone is trained for rescue with some specializing in support skills. There are no search specialists, but some rescue specialists do work canines. Attached medical is not something Taiwan has included and they were very interested in the medical trailer. However everyone is trained to (comparable) the EMT Basic level. The do not have specialized TIS/Comms personnel. And UAS is something they have not incorporated at this time.

Vermont also expected Beryl to hit that state and in preparation reached out to MI-TF1 to determine if we could send a swiftwater MRP. We were able to staff the team, but based on weather predictions, Vermont decided to hold off on activating EMAC resources. Unfortunately, the local resources were nearly overwhelmed when the rain prediction was exceeded by several inches.

However, weather experts are already looking to the winter season and it’s looking like we could “enjoy” a colder and snowier than normal winter. The polar vortex is expected to be weak this winter which leads to weaker jet stream and that allows for a more dynamic winter pattern.
If you want to read more about how it works, this article is pretty comprehensive: https://www.
Connect Rocket
During the monthly test, everyone gets a phone call, text message and an email. It is important that everyone respond to the notification, but you only have to respond to one of them. It will be recorded regardless of which one you respond to.
When there is a deployment request, connect rocket sends a message to every TF member. Regardless of your status with the TF, please respond with your availability. Even if you may not be deploying, you may be requested to help out at the Mob Center.
Are you having trouble accessing the members section of the website?
Contact Joe Chopski at [email protected] for assistance!
If you are on Facebook, be sure to ‘Like” Michigan Mutual Aid Box Alarm System!
Have you joined MI-TF1 private Facebook group yet? If not, contact Rayanne at [email protected] to be added!
Please be sure all requests for backfill for any TF or Section Training is submitted to [email protected] as soon as is possible. Thank you!