
In the Know – March, 2025 Newsletter

Notes for the Month!

  • If you have not signed up for a MOBEX day, please go to D4H and sign up for one of the two days that still have openings – May 6 or May 8.
  • For many members, the Task Books have re-set or are going to re-set shortly. Be sure to get with your section coordinator to ensure your tri-annual required tasks are being checked off. You can review your Task Book by logging into the web site.

The Spring weather outlook is for near normal temperatures and above normal rainfall. While NOAA has not issued a tornado outlook yet, other organizations are predicting higher than normal tornado activity for the spring. Michigan’s tornado “season” is generally June-July but tornadoes can happen during any month. Interestingly, the highest concentration of tornadoes occur between 4 and 9pm.



Trench Rescue

On February 25th, when preparations for a sanitary sewer were ongoing in the city of Wyandotte, a partial collapse of the trench occurred trapping two workers.
The Western Wayne County US&R Team was dispatched and an Incident Action Plan was quickly developed and hazard mitigation measures were started with the installation of trench panels and necessary shoring in order to provide a safer environment for both the victims and the rescue workers.
Extrication efforts were begun coupled with extensive medical monitoring of the trapped victim. Because of the complexity of the rescue (the trench was between 15 and 20 feet deep), the Washtenaw County Technical Rescue Team was also dispatched.
For more details and photos, you can check the Western Wayne Facebook page at:

*Photos here courtesy of MI-TF1 member Justin Winser*



Are you having trouble accessing the members section of the website?
Contact Joe Chopski at [email protected] for assistance!

If you are on Facebook, be sure to ‘Like” Michigan Mutual Aid Box Alarm System!

Have you joined MI-TF1 private Facebook group yet?  If not, contact Rayanne at [email protected] to be added!

Please be sure all requests for backfill for any TF or Section Training is submitted to [email protected] as soon as is possible.  Thank you!

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